Portrait Illustration

I have developed a technique for making vector-based images from digital photos. Vector images allow greater leeway in using the images for print or web. They will scale up without loss of detail and be re-exported to bitmap at higher resolutions. Vector images can be custom-colored more quickly and easily. Delivered as editable EPS vector files and JPGs.

All of the source files for these images are color-layered editable EPS files.

Many images of historical figures are limited. There may be only a few portrait sketches, paintings, or photographs of a majority of famous people. As a consequence, every artist has the same basic image from which to work. An example is the one known image of Shakespeare.

Technique is the only method to make such an image stand out from the crowd. My vector-based portraits add a degree of style to well-known faces. They can be further customized in either vector or bitmap programs, allowing the user a great deal of creative options.

Another portraiture technique I have developed is the use of custom-made 3D media effects rendered over 3D models or 2D images. These effects simulate traditional studio media such as pencil and paint. Until those images are posted here, visit this link to see samples:


Either technique can be applied to customer-supplied photos. When you need to show famous faces, contact me at:



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Frederic Chopin


Fess Parker


Calvin Coolidge


Georgia O'Keefe


Rosa Parks

Samuel Colt


David Crockett


Don Albert


Mary Cassatt


Susan Anthony